
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Victor Belenchia vic************* TRADEBE Retired Environmental Services Connecticut, United States
Victor Austin vic********** TRADEBE Laboratory Supervisor Environmental Services Arlington, TN, US
Christopher Hillier chr**************** TRADEBE Laboratory Technician Environmental Services Canterbury, GB
Leslie Taubert les*********** TRADEBE Internal Communication and Marketing Specialist Environmental Services Chicago, IL, US
Adriana Blasco adr*********** TRADEBE Corporate Communication Manager Environmental Services Barcelona, CT, ES
Thierry Benassis thi************* Chief Operating and Financial Officer Greece
Adonis Karatzas ado************ President of BoD and CEO Athens, GR
Mariza Oikonomou mar************* Digital Content and Social Media Coordinator Zografou, GR
Maria Vastardi mar*********** Member of the Editorial Board and Applications of Public Law Journal Athens, Attiki, Greece
Apostolos Samaras apo************** Member of the Editorial Board of Law Journal European Law Glyfada, GR