
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Lawrence Hercz lhe*** C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. Director Production Management Telecommunications Ottawa, ON, CA
Gadi Sela gse** C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. Director of Operations and Customer Support Telecommunications Ottawa, ON, CA
Suzie Sadia ssa*** C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. Accounts Payable Telecommunications Ottawa, ON, CA
Luxsumi Jeevananthan lje********** C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. Mmic Designer Telecommunications California, United States
Warren Rawlings wra****** C-COM Satellite Systems Inc. Supply Chain Manager Telecommunications Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Kristina Komoto kri************ Versature Sales Manager Telecommunications Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Melissa Scott mel********** Versature Customer Success Team Lead Telecommunications Ottawa, ON, CA
Caytlin Reel cay********* Versature Strategic Customer Success Manager Telecommunications Ottawa, ON, CA
Bryan Vaughan bry********** Versature Outside Sales Representative Telecommunications Ottawa, ON, CA
Gazal Chadha gaz********* Versature Sales Development Representative Telecommunications Montreal, QC, CA