
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Hennie van Deventer hen*** Senior Software Developer Cape Town, WC, ZA
Karen Cooper kar** Software Developer and Project Manager Cape Town, WC, ZA
Rodney Stevens rod*** Senior Analyst Cape Town, WC, ZA
Karien Bothma kar*** Senior Developer City of Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
Trip Van Noppen tva******** Earthjustice President at Earthjustice Law Practice San Francisco, California, United States
Abbie Dillen adi**** Earthjustice President Law Practice San Francisco, California, United States
Jay SchwartzCoffey jsc************ Earthjustice Vice President of Finance and Chief Financial Officer Law Practice San Francisco, CA, US
Andrew Jackson aja***** Earthjustice Senior Vice President, Operations | COO Law Practice San Francisco, California, United States
Libby Marsh lma*** Earthjustice Vice President of Development Law Practice San Francisco, CA, US
Monica Sevy mse** Earthjustice Vice President, Information Technology Law Practice Novato, CA, US