
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Mike Armes mar*** Software Quality Assurance Engineer Lincoln, RI, US
Parker Oates par*** Ecommerce Manager Midvale, UT, US
Jacob Frank jac** Web Designer Salem, UT, US
Ted Marks [email protected] Fowler's Chocolates Owner Food and Beverage Manufacturing Buffalo, NY, US
Derek Marks der** Fowler's Chocolates Controller Food and Beverage Manufacturing Buffalo, NY, US
Nadine Bargnes nad*** Fowler's Chocolates Fundraising Sales Director Food and Beverage Manufacturing Buffalo, NY, US
John Blest joh* Fowler's Chocolates Plant Manager Food and Beverage Manufacturing Grand Island, NY, US
Jon Agnello [email protected] Fowler's Chocolates Operations Manager Food and Beverage Manufacturing Buffalo, NY, US
Andre Brenton and** Fowler's Chocolates Quality Supervisor Food and Beverage Manufacturing New York, United States
David Fowler dav** Fowler's Chocolates Owner Food and Beverage Manufacturing Charlotte, NC, US