
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Phil Krueger pkr***** INTEGRUS Project Manager Architecture and Planning Portland, OR, US
Tom Robbins tro***** INTEGRUS Principal Architecture and Planning Portland, OR, US
Stuart Weir swe** INTEGRUS Marketing Director Architecture and Planning Portland, OR, US
Steve Lee sle* INTEGRUS Director of Information Technology Architecture and Planning Spokane, Washington, United States
Andrew Thies ath*** INTEGRUS Architect Architecture and Planning Seattle, WA, US
Daniel Snook dsn*** INTEGRUS Architect and Project Manager Architecture and Planning Spokane, WA, US
Ian Kane ika** INTEGRUS Structural Design Engineer Architecture and Planning Seattle, WA, US
Matt Engstrand men******* INTEGRUS Architect Architecture and Planning Portland, OR, US
Marcine Herron mhe**** INTEGRUS Director, Business Development and Marketing Architecture and Planning Spokane, Washington, United States
Wendy Abeel wab*** INTEGRUS Director of Communications Architecture and Planning Portland, OR, US