
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Celeste Matthews cel**** Director Travel Nursing Kansas City, MO, US
Aimee Kelso aim** Director of Operations Overland Park, KS, US
Catherine Seguin cat****** System Architect Arlington, VA, US
Audra Alexander aud** Lead Healthcare Recruiting Specialist Los Angeles, CA, US
John Harbison jha****** Angel Capital Association Board Member, Treasurer Non-profit Organizations California, United States
Marianne Hudson mhu**** Angel Capital Association Founder and Executive Director Emeritus Non-profit Organizations United States
Pat Gouhin pgo**** Angel Capital Association Chief Executive Officer Non-profit Organizations Chapel Hill, NC, US
Clay Rankin cra**** Angel Capital Association Director Non-profit Organizations Cleveland, OH, US
Sarah Dickey sdi**** Angel Capital Association Membership Director Non-profit Organizations Leawood, KS, US
Kristina Montague kmo****** Angel Capital Association Investment Committee Non-profit Organizations Chattanooga, TN, US