
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Krisztina Siposné Tamás kri********************** Responsible Marketing at Technical and Customer Service Division Hungary
Olivier Migniot oli************ Head of Training Rolle, VD, CH
Marianne Schumacher mar**************** Leiterin Events Zurich, Switzerland
Abe Yasser abe******* ODLO Chief Financial Officer Sporting Goods Manufacturing Steinhausen, Zug, Switzerland
Daniel Mulvie dan********** ODLO Supply Chain Management Director Sporting Goods Manufacturing Zurich, Switzerland
Stefan Solfors ste*********** ODLO Retail Director Sporting Goods Manufacturing Coldrerio, TI, CH
Mark Cohen mar******* ODLO Head of Brand and Marketing Communications Sporting Goods Manufacturing Zurich, Switzerland
Daniel Eppler dan********** ODLO Chief Executive Officer Sporting Goods Manufacturing Germany
Andreas Hindelang and************** ODLO Director E-Commerce Sporting Goods Manufacturing Regensdorf, ZH, CH
Christophe Schlenker chr***************** ODLO Director Commercial Operations Sporting Goods Manufacturing Hunenberg, Zug, Switzerland