
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Andrea Paparini apa****** Fortescue Environmental Advisor Mining Perth, WA, AU
Ian Wells iwe*** Fortescue Chief Financial Officer Mining Cooroy Mountain, QLD, AU
Astrid Serventy ase****** Fortescue Senior Manager Government and Stakeholder Engagement Mining Perth, WA, AU
JP Olivier jol***** Fortescue Director Strategy Mining Perth, WA, AU
Toni Davey tda*** Fortescue Health And Safety Manager Mining Perth, WA, AU
Michael Ritoli mic*********** GM Sales Melbourne, VIC, AU
Jan Clysner jan******** Director rocurement & Sustainability CUB / VP Procurement & Sustainability ABInBev APAC South Shanghai, Shanghai, China
Asha Skyring ash********* General Manager Category, Strategy and Revenue Management Sunshine Coast, QLD, AU
Andy Vance and******* Head of Marketing - Fire and Earth Ventures Melbourne, VIC, AU
Antonia Ciorciari ant************** Head of Category Development and Trade Marketing - On Premise Melbourne, VIC, AU