
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Caitlin Peake cpe*** Cendyn Vice President Human Resources Software Atlanta, GA, US
Ricky Castoldi rca****** Cendyn Vice President and Head of Sales - Americas Software Dallas, TX, US
Joan Lee jle* Cendyn SVP Customer Onboarding and Success Software New York, NY, US
Alifya Curtin acu**** Cendyn Chief Legal Officer Software Austin, TX, US
Abby Ashton aas**** Cendyn Digital Media Supervisor Software Fort Lauderdale, FL, US
Ka Moua kmo** Cendyn Senior Instructional Designer Software Minneapolis, MN, US
B Papadakis bpa******* Cendyn Chief Financial Officer Software North Hampton, NH, US
Nicola Graham ngr**** Cendyn VP of Marketing Software London, England, United Kingdom
Rodd Herron rhe**** Cendyn Vice President Strategic Partnerships Software Boca Raton, FL, US
Brad Noe bno* Cendyn Chief Technology Officer Software Pompano Beach, FL, US