
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Dimitrios Groumpos dim*************** Software Test Engineer Athens, Attiki, Greece
Steve Savary ssa**** A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Vice President of IT - AY McDonald Industries Utilities Dubuque, Iowa, United States
Brad Olberding bol******* A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Vice President of Production Planning and Logistics Utilities Dubuque, IA, US
Chip Piekenbrock cpi********* A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Vice President Sales Utilities United States
Kirsten Williams kwi****** A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Director of Human Resources Utilities Dubuque, IA, US
Jeffery Bolander jbo****** A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Vice President of Operations Utilities Cedar Rapids, IA, US
Justin Mills jmi*** A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Director of Marketing Utilities Iowa, United States
Leanne Teasdale lte****** A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Procurement Specialist Utilities Dubuque, IA, US
John Schmaedick jsc******** A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Purchasing Agent Utilities Dubuque, IA, US
Ben Winders bwi***** A.Y. McDonald Mfg. Co. Purchasing Manager Utilities Farley, IA, US