
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Konstantinos Tsallas kts***** Marketing and Communications Specialist Athens, Attiki, Greece
John Stites jst**** Autodemo Founder and CEO Software Louisville, KY, US
JC Stites jst**** Autodemo Founder and Executive Producer Software Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Gayle Smith gsm*** Autodemo Senior Producer and Project Manager Software Louisville, KY, US
Peggy Stengel pst***** Autodemo Account Executive Software Louisville, KY, US
Kevin Patrick kpa***** Autodemo Level 9 Multimedia Developer Software Louisville, KY, US
Kyle Hopkins kho***** Autodemo Art Director, Motion Design Software Louisville, KY, US
Tim Williams twi****** Autodemo Producer and Project Manager Software Louisville, KY, US
Bernie Keene bke*** Autodemo Sales at Autodemo Software Louisville, Kentucky, United States
Tomas Byrnes tby**** ThreatSTOP, Inc. Chief Technology Officer and Founder Network Security San Diego, California, United States