
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Simone Emmelius sim***** ZDF Senior Vice President International Fiction - Coproduction and Acquisition News Germany
Sylvia Brucker syl***** ZDF Senior Director Entertainment News Germany
Stefan Hertrampf ste***** ZDF Journalist und Rechercheur News Mainz, RP, DE
Cherno Jobatey che***** ZDF Journalist, Moderator, Presenter and MC News Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Eckart Köberich eck***** ZDF Things with APIs and XR News Rüsselsheim, Hesse, Germany
Bernd Muetter ber**** ZDF Stellv. Leiter "Zeitgeschichte" News Strasbourg, FR
Markus Harm mar***** ZDF Journalist News Wiesbaden, HE, DE
Joe Evans joe** ZDF Field Producer News London, GB
Sabrina Joseph sjo**** Warehouse Worker Princeton, NJ, US
Christian Kohl chr******** ZDF Kommunikationsdesigner News Germany