
Name Email Company Title Industry Location Country
Dale Munk dal* Senior Analyst Powder Springs, GA, US
Nicole Goebel nic********** Deutsche Bahn Chief Executive Officer Transportation Bad Soden, HE, DE
Oliver Wittmaier oli************* Deutsche Bahn Chief Information Officer & Product Owner CIO@DBSystel Transportation Frankfurt, HE, DE
Sorin Simplaceanu sor************** Deutsche Bahn Head of Skydeck - Innovation Management Transportation Germany
Ilka Friese ilk******** Deutsche Bahn Managing Director and CFO Transportation Munich, BY, DE
Johannes Bittel joh************ Deutsche Bahn Senior Innovation Manager Transportation Berlin, DE
Sebastian Seyberth seb*************** Deutsche Bahn Senior Expert for Internal Communication in Digital Workplace Solutions Transportation Frankfurt, Hesse, Germany
Bastian Gockel bas*********** Deutsche Bahn Business Development Lead and Product Owner Strategic Enablement (in rotation) Transportation Germany
Kevin V kev**** Deutsche Bahn Software Developer and Consulting Low-Code Transportation Frankfurt, HE, DE
Max Rauh max***** Deutsche Bahn Provider Manager SIAM XaaS Transportation Frankfurt, HE, DE